CT Scan and Technology
The I-CAT delivers high quality 3-D images of a patient’s anatomy, providing the most complete view of a patient’s mouth, face and jaw areas. The process is simple: Patients are seated in an ‘open environment scan’, which both increases patient comfort, and best captures their natural anatomical position. The data is then transferred to a computer in a mere 20 seconds and displayed within a 3-D image for immediate dental analysis.
Compared to previous X-ray procedures, the patient benefits are groundbreaking. The I-CAT emits less than half the amount of radiation than that of earlier X-ray procedures, and the highly detailed images help doctors monitor a patient’s dental health and detect early periodontal disease, cysts or tumors.
The I-CAT is especially beneficial for implant patients as it produces cross-sectional sliced views. This allows doctors to measure the exact dimension and bone quality with amazing precision, which is crucial in assuring an accurate and predictable surgery. Perhaps the most important benefit the I-CAT offers to our patients is absolute peace of mind.